Daily Archives: May 10, 2024

2024-05-10: News Headlines

News Desk, The Cradle. (2024-05-10). European Campuses Erupt In Protest Over Gaza Genocide. popularresistance.org More European college campuses have erupted in protest over Israel's war on the Gaza Strip, as the massive pro-Palestine movement at US universities continues to inspire students worldwide. According to a police statement, 169 people were detained on Monday evening and early Tuesday at the University of Amsterdam. | Clashes with police and arrests have taken place as campuses in the Netherlands, Germany, France, and Austria broke out this week. | Hundreds of protesters resumed a demonstration at the University of Amsterdam on the evening of 7 May, a day after Dutch riot police stormed the protest site and violent…

John Zangas, DCMediaGroup. (2024-05-10). DC Police Raid George Washington University Student Gaza Campus. popularresistance.org Washington, DC – The student led Gaza solidarity protest at George Washington University Yard was raided in the predawn hours of Wednesday, May 8. Police arrested 31 and charged them with unlawful entry while four were additionally charged with assault of a police officer. All those arrested were released by the early afternoon of the same day. Jail supporters waited for each student's release and provided emotional support, food, drink, and comfort to them once they were released. Nearly all those arrested were students and none of those arrested were reported as being "outside agitators" as the University Admin…

Appalachians Against Pipelines, Popular Resistance. (2024-05-10). MVP Protester Locks Himself To Construction Equipment. popularresistance.org Elliston, VA — Early Wednesday morning, pipeline fighter Finn locked himself to a side boom on a Mountain Valley Pipeline worksite on Poor Mountain in Montgomery County, VA, preventing MVP construction at the site for 11 hours. | "Why risk arrest? Why risk my name? Why devote my time and energy, to be here protesting this pipeline in the backwoods of Appalachia?" Finn asked. "The truth is I've lost the ability to look away. And it no longer makes sense to be anywhere else." | At the base of the mountain, nearby where the pipeline easement crosses Yellow Finch Rd, a rally of people gathered to show their sup…

bwitanek (2024-05-10). MIT Students Arrested Protesting Hosting of $11M Israel Drone Program — 23 Suspended — Press Release from SAGE @ MIT 5/9/2024. fightbackbetter.com Press Release from organizers of SAGE @ MIT | Published Thursday, May 9 @ 11PM MIT suspends, evicts, and arrests their…

WSWS (2024-05-10). 33 people arrested as George Washington University pro-Palestinian encampment is broken up by police. wsws.org The crushing of the GWU encampment is part of a nationwide counter-offensive against student protests as the Israeli government prepares to enter and annihilate the remnants of survivors in the city of Rafah.

Phil Pasquini (2024-05-10). GW Encampment Shut Down by Police; Students Arrested. indybay.org Pro-Palestinian student protesters and others at the George Washington University tent encampment were arrested after failing to leave university property in an early morning coordinated police action. Around 03: 30 after having been warned to leave the university property and threatened with arrest for failure to do so, a coordinated police action by campus police and 500 Metro DC officers began clearing the area at University Yard (U-Yard).

Rowan Cahill, Bianca Rodriguez-Mora (2024-05-10). Several protestors arrested at Faculty Solidarity Encampment Rally. newschoolfreepress.com A New School student was arrested outside of the University Center after two counter-protesters pepper sprayed multiple protesters today at a rally to support the Faculty Solidarity Encampment. Protesters then sat in front of a New York Police Department car that held the arrested TNS student, leading to the arrest of over eight more people….

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