Monthly Archives: June 2022

2022-06-21: News Headlines

Kurt Nimmo (2022-06-20). Biden Tells Americans to Sacrifice for the Nazis of Ukraine. Back in February, when Russia went into Ukraine to denazify and disarm the country, the corporate media declared brave and patriotic Ukrainians would push the Russians out and eventually retake Crimea and the Donbas. In order to do this, we …

Eva Bartlett (2022-06-20). Western Media and Politicians Prefer to Ignore the Truth about Civilians Killed in Donetsk Shelling. When Kiev's guilt in attacks on a maternity hospital cannot be denied, it's simply brushed under the carpet | Following intense Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk on June 13, some Western media sources, in tandem with outlets in Kiev, unsurprisingly claimed that …

Park Min-hee (2022-06-20). "Global NATO": Upcoming Summit Intended to Transform the "Atlantic Alliance". New "Strategic Concept" Envisaged. Special "partner nations" have been invited to the NATO summit to be held in Madrid, Spain, from June 29-30. In addition to the leaders of the 30 NATO member states, the leaders of South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand…

Michael Snyder (2022-06-20). If The Streets Of America Are This Chaotic Now, What Will They Be Like When Things Really Start Hitting The Fan? If you are not alarmed by what is happening to our largest cities, you should check to see if you still have a pulse. Once upon a time, the beautiful new cities that our forefathers constructed were the envy of …

____ (2022-06-20). Is There Life After Death? 16 Jun 2022 – A review of 'James and Whitehead on Life after Death' by David Ray Griffin – The meaning of death, and whether humans do or do not survive it in some form, has always obsessed people, from the average person to the great artists and thinkers. Death is the mother of philosophy and all the arts and sciences.

Dave DeCamp (2022-06-20). Report: US Secretly Reviews and Approves Many Israeli Airstrikes in Syria. According to a report

Pepe Escobar (2022-06-20). St. Petersburg 2022 Forum Sets the Stage for the "War of Economic Corridors" The St. Petersburg in 2022 is even more crucial as it directly connects …

Jacob G. Hornberger (2022-06-20). An Endless Stream of Scary Official Enemies. Any government that is a national-security state needs big official enemies — scary ones, ones that will cause the citizenry to continue supporting not only the continued existence of a national-security state form of government but also ever-growing budgets for …

The Expose (2022-06-20). W.H.O to declare Public Health Emergency of International Concern over COVID Vaccine-Induced Shingles (Monkeypox). The World Health Organization is set to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the end of June 2022 over Covid-19 vaccine-induced shingles which all member states including the USA, the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Europe …

2022-06-21 06:07 | 02:07 EST | tr | 11 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 0 

2022-06-20: News Headlines

Dr. Russell Blaylock (2022-06-19). The COVID Pandemic and the mRNA Vaccine: What Is the Truth? Dr. Russell L. Blaylock. The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history. Official lies in an unending stream led by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and UN agencies.

Dra. Naomi Wolf (2022-06-19). Queridos amigos, lamento anunciar un genocidio: Dra. Naomi Wolf sobre el "Informe confidencial" de Pfizer. He estado en silencio durante algunas semanas. Perdóname. | La verdad es que me he quedado casi sin palabras —o el equivalente literario de eso— porque recientemente he tenido la poco envidiable tarea de tratar de anunciar al mundo que en…

2022-06-20 14:55 | 10:55 EST | tr | 4 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 

2022-06-18: News Headlines

_____ (2022-06-17). No COINTELPRO In Washington DC. The DC government is deploying COINTELPRO like tactics against organizations and individuals fighting to protect and expand our rights. Of course, this is not news to those who have been engaged in political work here for any amount of time, but now, thanks to one local organizer, there is proof. | Suspecting she was being surveilled by the Metro Police Department (MPD), April Goggans of Black Lives Matter DC (BLMDC) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the documents the DC government had on her. After years of hiding, stalling and lying by MPD, April took the request to court. The most important…

2022-06-18 21:36 | 17:36 EST | tr | 3 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 

2022-06-17: News Headlines

Newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-06-17). Updated Mayo Clinic recommendations for infant formula shortage. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there have been significant shortages of infant formulas in some stores, largely caused by supply chain issues, as well as a recent recall of several contaminated baby formula products. While this unfortunate crisis continues to impact thousands of caregivers needing to feed their babies, Mayo Clinic continues to offer advice on safe alternatives in the short term to patients. Alternative formula options For most infants, it is OK to switch…

Peter Koenig (2022-06-16). Kissinger y la guerra en Ucrania: El mensajero y el amo. Cuando Henry Kissinger sorprendió al mundo con su discurso en el reciente Foro Económico Mundial (FEM) en Davos (22-26 de mayo de 2022), diciéndole al presidente de Ucrania, Zelenskyy, que tenía que hacer alguna concesión a cambio de la paz,…

Editor (2022-06-16). Tracy's Travesty: New Boss Same as Old Boss at Bureau of Land Management. By Mike Garrity / CounterPunch It's too bad for conservationists and all Americans, but Tracy Stone-Manning, Biden's new Bureau of Land Management (BLM) director, is continuing the Trump administration's policy of destructive public land grazing. The BLM administers 246 million acres of public land, mainly in the intermountain west, with the mission is to "sustain …

_____ (2022-06-16). Ecuador: CONAIE and Unions to Maintain National Strike. Mobilizations will continue and key roads remain blocked as the indefinite Ecuador-wide protests against the neoliberal policies of Guillermo Lasso's administration head into a fourth day. | Security forces have been unsuccessful in trying to lift 24 hour roadblocks, which have now been reinforced by communities. | The government's attempt to quell protests by sweeping up alleged leaders not only failed, it backfired. News of the arrest of Leonidas Iza, president of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), mobilized thousands of people to the Latacunga prison where he was taken and promp…

Suheir Sheikh (2022-06-16). Celebrating Juneteenth, the Emancipation of African Americans. It's a day many activists have worked to raise awareness about for decades. Last year, the U.S. made history when U.S. President Joe Biden officially designated Juneteenth a federal holiday. The holiday is celebrated on June 19th and celebrates the emancipation of African-Americans from …

United We Dream (2022-06-16). Wednesday 6/15: DACA Décimo Aniversario – °Antes, Ahora y Más Allá! Celebración y Reuinon para la Acción. Virtual celebration & action rally…

David Giesen (2022-06-16). Sunday 7/3: Fulfilling the Promise of America, a symposium. ZOOM video meet: |…

United We Dream (2022-06-16). Wednesday 6/15: DACA Tenth Anniversary: Then, Now and Beyond! Celebration & Action Rally. Virtual celebration & action rally…

Freedom Socialist Party (2022-06-16). Wednesday 6/15: Labor History: A key to unlocking workers' power today. Online via Zoom | To register:

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-06-16). 2022 California Juneteenth – National Freedom Day. In the coming years over 100 California cities with @100,000+ residents will begin to discover our unique California Juneteenth Legacy, helping manifest equity and greater inclusion throughout the 5th largest economy in the world. Today, "Mining for Freedom" or the authentic "Golden Legacy" of our California USCT who fought, bleed and died for freedom is a fierce debate impacting future generation.

La Peña (2022-06-16). Friday 6/17: Baila Community Dance Party. La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705…

2022-06-17 10:43 | 06:43 EST | jz | 13 | 0 | 10 | 1 | 0