2024-05-12: News Headlines

Staff (2024-05-12). Blinken: U.S. only halting delivery of 'high payload bombs,' warns Israel may face 'enduring insurgency' in Gaza. haaretz.com Secretary of State Blinken tells CBS the U.S. hasn't seen plan from Israel to prevent Hamas resurgence ‚ñ Hezbollah decides to withdraw combatants from Lebanese border with Israel, report says ‚ñ Egypt joins South Africa's genocide petition against Israel at World Court following Rafah offensive ‚ñ Sirens activated in northern Israel, Gaza border communities…

Daniel Frank, Massachusetts Daily Collegian. (2024-05-12). Over 130 Arrested At Gaza Solidarity Demonstration. popularresistance.org At 1 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7, protesters set up an encampment on the Student Union South Lawn. Protesters were advocating for the University of Massachusetts to divest from war-profiteering companies involved in Israel's bombardment of Gaza and to drop the charges of the students arrested at the Whitmore demonstration in October. As the day progressed, dozens of police officers, many in riot gear, arrived on the scene and arrested over 130 undergraduates, graduate students, professors and community members. | The protest was led by the UMass chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

Diego Ramos, Scheer Post. (2024-05-12). USC President And Provost Censured After Faculty Senate Vote. popularresistance.org After a three hour meeting of the University of Southern California (USC) academic senate with President Carol Folt and Provost Andrew Guzman, the faculty decisively passed a resolution with 21-7 majority, censuring both Folt and Guzman. | USC has garnered local and national attention recently sparked by the cancellation of valedictorian Asna Tabassum's commencement address. The attention has intensified after the university's brutal crackdown on student divestment protests, which included the arrest of 93 protestors by LAPD, and overall cancellation of this year's commencement ceremony.

presstv.ir (2024-05-12). US police tear-gas students, arrest dozens as Gaza war protests spread. presstv.ir Police at Pennsylvania University cleared a student encampment that was in place for more than two weeks.

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