2024-02-24: News Headlines

WSWS (2024-02-24). Federal prosecutors charge journalist with 14 felonies for sharing unaired segments of antisemitic Tucker Carlson/Kanye West interview. wsws.org Independent Florida journalist Timothy Burke is facing serious charges for accessing and sharing publicly available, but unbroadcast, video clips featuring former Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson and anti-Semite Kanye West/Ye.

WSWS (2024-02-24). Federal prosecutors charge journalist with 14 felonies for broadcasting unaired segments of antisemitic Tucker Carlson/Kanye West interview. wsws.org Independent Florida journalist Timothy Burke is facing serious charges for accessing and sharing publicly available, but unbroadcast, video clips featuring former Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson and anti-Semite Kanye West/Ye.

themoscowtimes (2024-02-24). Arrests at Moscow Protest by Wives of Soldiers Fighting in Ukraine. themoscowtimes.com A video published by SOTA on Telegram showed police detaining two people wearing yellow vests with "Press" written on them.

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