2024-02-10: News Headlines

Democracy Now! (2024-02-09). Hundreds Protest Biden in NYC, Arms and Military Sites in Chicago and California. pressenza.com Protests against the war are continuing throughout the U.S. Here in New York, at least 100 Jewish American activists and their allies were arrested Wednesday as they blockaded a road on President Biden's motorcade route as he attended fundraisers. | In Chicago, 33 people were arrested as they blocked entrances to the Woodward manufacturing plant, which makes military equipment that has been used by Israel in Palestine. In California, CodePink and other activists blocked an entrance to the Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield. | CodePink activist: "It's our responsibility, when our government is so horrendously brea…

International Crisis Group (2024-02-09). Unrest on Repeat: Plotting a Route to Stability in Peru. reliefweb.int Country: Peru | Source: International Crisis Group | Please refer to the attached file. | No country in Latin America suffers higher rates of dissatisfaction with democracy and government institutions than Peru. Absent remedies for political polarisation and state dysfunction, the mass protests that rocked the country in late 2022 could easily recur, bringing comparably violent crackdowns. | Principal Findings | What's new? The protests that engulfed Peru after the arrest of the president in late 2022 marked its largest outbreak of instability in recent times. Although peace has returned, public grievances…

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