2023-10-10: News Headlines

Sarah Kwon (2023-10-09). Parents of Color Can't See if Providers Have a History of Mistreatment. truthout.org When Selam Solomon Caldwell and her husband learned she was pregnant last year, the stakes for finding the right OB-GYN felt high. Caldwell, a Black woman, had heard stories from family and friends of maternity care providers who ignored their requests or pressured them into cesarean sections without clear medical justification. As a relative newcomer to Los Angeles, the recruiter, now 31… |

Isaac Nellist (2023-10-09). India: Modi government raids independent media, arrests journalists in latest crackdown on dissent. greenleft.org.au The police crackdown on independent media platform NewsClick in India, on October 3, is the latest attempt by the Narendra Modi government to stifle journalists and critics of his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) regime, reports Isaac Nellist.

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