(2022-08-26). LMPD detective admits to fraudulent warrant application that led to Breonna Taylor's murder. wsws.org Former Louisville detective Kelly Goodlett pleaded guilty to two federal crimes on Tuesday in a Kentucky district court, the first member of the LMPD to be convicted for the brutal murder of Breonna Taylor nearly two and a half years ago.
(2022-08-25). Opinion: Black Children Need Black Teachers Who Are Prepared To Stand In The Political Climate. moguldom.com One of the greatest decisions I ever made in life was to become an educator. Becoming that which I never had during my K-12 experiences—a Black male teacher—has provided me the greatest professional joy. It is because I have the pleasure to teach African people history in a way that is antithetical to how they …
(2022-08-25). The struggle for full legalization of our party. cpusa.org On the CPUSA's visible "existence" in national life Before I joined the CPUSA in the spring of 2017, I had no idea that the Communist Party of the United States still existed. As someone new to the movement at the time, being only exposed to the Black Lives Matter movement following the murders of Trayvon …