Monthly Archives: May 2022

2022-05-15: News Headlines

Anonymous103 (2022-05-15). Overview Of Military Developments In Izyum Area In Ukraine (Videos 21+). Click to see full-size image | One of the bloodiest battlefields in Eastern Ukraine remains the Izyum area in the Kharkiv region. The Russian-led forces have established an important stronghold in the town and continue to expand their control zone in two main directions: to the south-east towards the cities of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk as well as to the south-west towards the town of Barvenkovo, which was turned into the main stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the region. In turn, Ukrainian forces contin…

Anonymous103 (2022-05-15). Ukraine's Spending On War And Difficult Situation On Front Lines. Click to see full-size image | On May 12, Ukrainian Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko said in an interview with Reuters that Ukraine had already spent 245.1 billion hryvnias (about $8.3 billion) on the war with Russia. According to Marchenko, the budget funds provided for development were spent on the military needs from the purchase and repair of weapons to emergency aid for internally displaced persons. The Ukrainian government collected only 60% of the planned tax revenues in April. In May and June this figure may…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-05-15). West's Support for Extremism "Blows Back" in New York Shooting. The tragic mass shooting in Buffalo New York was carried out by an extremist with an ideology stemming from modern-dayNAZlSM practices most openly in Ukraine. Just as Western support for extremists in Syria blew back in the form of global terrorism, its support for |\|AZlS in Ukraine is emboldening and encouraging their toxic ideology worldwide….

Anonymous669 (2022-05-15). Seven US Mercenaries Were Killed By Russian Forces In Donbass &#1 ; Report. Foreign mercenaries in Ukraine. | Seven US mercenaries who were fighting with Kiev forces in the Donbass region were killed at the Krasitel plant in Rubizhnoye city, Apty Alaudinov, an assistant to the head of Chechnya, told RIA Novosti on May 15. | Footage showing the passport of one of the slain mercenaries, Joseph Ward Clark, surfaced online earlier. Clark, a native of Washington who was born in 1987, was reportedly an agent of the US intelligence."The American citizen we are talking about, Joseph Ward Clark,…

Alfred de Zayas (2022-05-15). Arnold August is Right in Blowing the Whistle on the Menace to Academic Freedom in Canadian and US Universities. By Alfred de Zayas &#1 ; May 12, 2022 | Review by Alfred de Zayas of the article by Arnold August: "Ukraine-Russia: Sanctions against a 'pro-Russian' professor from the University of Montreal, or freedom of speech?" | Arnold August is right in blowing the whistle on the menace to academic freedom and the ethos of independent research posed by pressures of political correctness and the spread of "cancel culture". This development constitutes moral bankruptcy in any country that considers itself "democratic", and a fortiori a disgrace in the academic profession. The case of Professor Michael Carley of the Universit…

Staff (2022-05-15). Finland formally confirms intention to join NATO. TEHRAN, May 15 (MNA) — Finland has formally confirmed it intends to join NATO, abandoning decades of military non-alignment in a historic decision amid the Ukraine war.

Juan Cole (2022-05-15). Busan, S. Korea, constructing Solar-Powered Artificial Biorock Island to replace Coastal land lost to Sea Level Rise. Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) &#1 ; UN Habitat, the municipality of Busan in South Korea, and the company OCEANIX are responding to the challenge of sea-level rise by building an artificial floating city off the coast of the country's second-largest city. A prototype is expected to be in the water as early as 2025. Although a …

Staff (2022-05-15). #Nakba74 Day of Palestinian Struggle: Palestine resists for victory, liberation and return! As we commemorate 74 years of ongoing Nakba targeting the Palestinian people, inside all of occupied Palestine and everywhere in exile and diaspora, we also recall and celebrate 74 years of ongoing Palestinian resistance, revolution and struggle to liberate Palestine and confront imperialism, Zionism and reaction. In homes, community centers and the streets of cities, …

Abdul Rahman (2022-05-15). The Nakba never ended, and Palestinian resistance hasn't either. A few days before Palestinians were set to commemorate the 74th anniversary of their forceful displacement from their ancestral lands, known as the Nakba or catastrophe, the Israeli Supreme Court rejected a 23-year-old petition by the residents of Masafer Yatta in the occupied southern West Bank and allowed the Israeli military to demolish hundreds of their houses arguing that they are in "firing range". The incident is part of a systemic policy of the Israeli state to grab more and more Palestinian lands and force the Indigenous Palestinians to live as a refugees in their own country. This everyday Nakba, howeve…

Martin Rizzo-Martinez & Daniel Stonebloom (2022-05-15). Challenging Colonialism s01e04 Indian Boarding Schools: Colonialism through Education. This episode of Challenging Colonialism examines the history of the Indian Boarding Schools that impacted thousands of Indigenous Californian children, specifically focusing on Sherman Indian High School in Riverside, Stewart Indian School in Reno, and Saint Boniface Indian School in Banning. Duration: 1 hr 1 min 30 sec…

Wellbeing Blueprint (2022-05-15). Tuesday 5/17: Power of the Native Vote: Mobilizing Indigenous Communities to Advance Structural Change. Online event…

Staff (2022-05-15). Orinoco Tribune 3.5 Anniversary Celebration & Fundraising Campaign. Caracas, May 11, 2022 ( Every May our team evaluates how the website is bench-marking in comparison with well-established leftist and anti-imperialist news outlets around the world, as well as with Venezuelan local news outlets and other more mainstream liberal outlets. | This year was not an exception and we again achieved amazing performance, especially taking into consideration that Orinoco Tribune is 100… (2022-05-15). How Xi's economic philosophy promotes global governance. "The right way forward for humanity is peaceful development and win-win cooperation," Chinese President Xi Jinping told the 2022 World Economic Forum (WEF) virtual session in mid-January, offering China's solutions to global challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). 5-10-2022 Media Only News Briefing: Living in the "Sandwich": Women's Health & Menopause. National Women's Health Week is May 8-14, 2022. Women in the "sandwich generation" may be balancing the competing demands of caring for both dependent children and aging parents, and often working outside of the home. Their own needs may take a backseat while they care for others and juggle all of the demands of life, which has been made even worse with the stressors of the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionally affecting women. Around this same time in life, many… (2022-05-15). China's handling of COVID-19 pandemic sets high standards for world: Pakistani FM. Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said on Saturday that China's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic by adopting dynamic zero-COVID approach has set high standards for the world.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: National Nurses Week. At Mayo Clinic, the Department of Nursing consists of over 22,000 people, including nurses, patient care assistants, patient care technicians and social workers. Like many health care professionals, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a stressful and challenging time for those in the department. "Throughout the pandemic, our nurses have continued to be there for their patients," says Ryannon Frederick, Mayo Clinic's chief nursing officer. "Our patient satisfaction actually increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. And that's… (2022-05-15). Anti-China forces in Hong Kong have no extrajudicial privileges: commissioner's office of Chinese foreign ministry in HKSAR. The Office of the Commissioner of the Chinese Foreign Ministry in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on Saturday strongly disapproved and firmly rejected a misleading article published in the Washington Post by U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Michael Merryman-Lotze (2022-05-15). People in US Don't Support the Gaza Blockade. Why Won't Congress Take Action? Jamea Shalout's home in Rafah, Gaza, consists of two rooms built of cinder blocks and cement. In the room where I met her in late 2019, the only personal belongings visible were the sleeping mats that the family lays out at night and a pile of blankets. Across a dirt courtyard, there is a small kitchen and bathroom — with cinderblock walls, dirt floors and a partial roof made from corrugated tin. Water for the family is delivered into the holding tanks on the family's property. One room in the house receives electricity from a small solar panel, but the rest of the house does not have power. At night, Jamea…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2022-05-15). America has Been on a "Hot War Footing"against Russia since 2014. Global security is at stake. This historic vote –which potentially could affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people Worldwide– has received virtually no media coverage. A total media blackout prevails.

Contributing Writers (2022-05-15). When Terrorism becomes Counter-terrorism: The State Sponsors of Terrorism are ´ Going After the Terrorists ª. Par Prof Michel Chossudovsky, 02 mars 2016 Global Research 22 décembre 2015 First published in December 2015 US foreign policy has nurtured Al Qaeda, a creation of the CIA for more than 35 years, with the support of Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) and Saudi Arabia's infamous General Intelligence Presidency (GIP). Lest we forget Osama bin …

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-05-15). Taliban invites Ashraf Ghani to attend Afghan assembly. TEHRAN, May 15 (MNA) — Taliban had invited former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to attend the Afghan assembly, the Taliban's envoy to Moscow said.

_____ (2022-05-15). Libya Suffers a Permanent Humanitarian Catastrophe under the Dictate of US Interests. During the era of Muammar Gaddafi's Libyan Jamahiriya, the country was openly admired by many countries in the region for the well-being and living conditions of Libyans, perhaps with the exception of the Gulf States. And this was justified, among other things, by the fact that there was free medicine, free education, and financial aid …

Tanya Wadhwa (2022-05-15). No end in sight for Ecuador's prison crisis. A riot took place in Ecuador's Bellavista prison following the latest massacre of 44 inmates on Monday May 9. Human rights organizations have called on the government to address structural problems facing the penitentiary system…

Anonymous103 (2022-05-15). Russian Forces Back On Zmeiny Island, Reinforce Their Positions (Photos, Video). Click to see full-size image | After the

IMEMC News (2022-05-15). Another Wounded Palestinian In Serious Condition. The Israeli occupation authorities have informed the family of Hamza Aabed, 19, from Jenin in the northern part of the West Bank, was transferred to the Rambam Medical Center, hooked to respiratory machines due to the seriousness of his wounds. Hamza was shot by an Israeli army sharpshooter with a live round in the head, …

IMEMC News (2022-05-15). Army Abducts Three Palestinians In Ramallah And Jenin. Israeli soldiers abducted two Palestinians from their homes in the Ramallah governorate in the central West Bank, and one in Jenin, in the northern part, on Sunday dawn. The soldiers invaded Jifna town, north of Ramallah, stormed and searched homes, before abducting Mohammad Abdul-Aziz zeid. The soldiers also invaded the al-Jalazoun refugee camp north of …

IMEMC News (2022-05-15). Israeli Soldiers Abduct Five Former Political Prisoners, Including Two Siblings, In Hebron. On Sunday dawn, Israeli soldiers abducted five former political prisoners, including two siblings, from their homes in several parts of Hebron, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank. Several army jeeps invaded the Khallet Manna' area in the southern part of Hebron city before the soldiers abducted Abdullah Obeido after storming his home …

IMEMC News (2022-05-15). Israeli Soldiers Attack A Palestinian Family In Bethlehem. On Sunday dawn, Israeli soldiers invaded a Palestinian home in the al-Minya village, east of Bethlehem in the West Bank, and attacked the family. Media sources said many army jeeps invaded the village before storming and ransacking the home of Sharif al-Froukh, and violently searched it, causing excessive damage. They added that the soldiers assaulted …

scorinoco (2022-05-15). Israel Troops Aimed to Kill: Slain Palestinian Journalist's Colleague Recounts Murder. A Palestinian journalist who was with Al Jazeera correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh on the day she was shot dead by Israeli regime forces, has recounted how the crime was committed, describing the shooting as a "deliberate attempt" to kill the journalists. | Shatha Hanaysha, an eyewitness to the shootings, described the events surrounding the cold-blooded murder of veteran Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday. "It was an Israeli sniper" that shot at them, she told Middle East Eye news. | At the time of the murder, Abu Akleh and Hanaysha, together with a group of journalists…

Anonymous669 (2022-05-15). Pro-Iranian Group Attacks Three US Supply Convoys In Southern Iraq. File image. | On May 15 morning, three convoys moving logistic supplies and equipment for the US-led coalition came under attack in southern Iraq. | The first supply convoy was attacked while passing on the international highway in the province of al-Qadisiyyah, the second convoy was targeted near the capital of al-Muthanna province while the third one came under attack in the outskirts of the city of al-Diwaniyah in al-Qadisiyyah. | The three convoys were targeted with improvised explosive devices.

Anonymous669 (2022-05-15). 236 Russian Airstrikes Hit ISIS Terrorists In Central Syria Since Start Of May: Monitoring Group. Russian Su-25 attack aircraft take off from the Khmeimim airbase in Syria © Dmitriy Vinogradov / Sputnik | On May 15, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) carried out a series of airstrikes on ISIS's areas of influence in Syria's central region, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). | The London-based monitoring group said that more than 16 airstrikes targeted hideouts of ISIS cells near the town of al-Sukhnah in the eastern Homs countryside and in the outskirts of the town of al…

Jon Queally (2022-05-15). Sanders Condemns Israeli Forces for Attack on Slain Journalist's Funeral. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Friday called the attack on the funeral procession of slain journalist Shireen Abu Akleh that took place earlier in the day "an outrage" that must be condemnation by the U.S. government as he also called for an investigation into the killing. | Friday's attack was described as "

Anonymous669 (2022-05-15). Russia's 'Terminator' Armored Fighting Vehicle Spotted Near Donbass Hottest Front (Video). MOSCOW REGION, RUSSIA &#1 ; AUGUST 23, 2017: Terminator-3 infantry fighting vehicle during a fire demonstration at the Army-2017 International Military-Technical Forum, at the Patriot military park outside Moscow. Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS | Russia's BMPT "Terminator" armored fighting vehicle (AFV) has been spotted near one of the hottest frontlines in the Donbass region. | On April 15, Russian sources shared a video showing a convoy of the Russian Armed Forces with at least four BMPTs moving near the city of Severod…

| Nameconor Heffernan, Assistant Professor of Physical Culture, Sport Studies, University of Texas At Austin (2022-05-15). Tucker Carlson pulls from an old playbook as he stokes anxiety about a masculinity crisis. Conor Heffernan, Assistant Professor of Physical Culture and Sport Studies, University of Texas at Austin

Rick Rozoff (2022-05-15). NATO leader meets with broad spectrum of top U.S. military-security officials. GeoanƒÉ (himself Romanian) was filling in for Jens Stoltenberg, reported to have contracted COVID. ==== NATOMay 15, 2022 Deputy Secretary General in Washington D.C.: NATO unity makes us all stronger and safer Deputy Secretary General Mircea GeoanƒÉ praised the United States' strong leadership in NATO in remarks to the Hudson Institute in Washington D.C. on … (2022-05-15). David Lasne: 'A Helping Hand' in Shanghai Suburbs. Lasne, a Frenchman, came to China 20 years ago and lived in Xujing Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai for the past nine years. Enthusiastic public welfare, he came to join the volunteer team as soon as he learned that the local community was short of hands for the fight against the Covid surge. (2022-05-15). Shanghai shuts down half makeshifts hospitals. Half of the city-level makeshift hospitals built for COVID-19 patients during the current outbreak in Shanghai have closed as of Friday, as local infection… (2022-05-15). Eldest COVID patient recovers in Shanghai. After a 32-day treatment, Ye Ming, 108, recovered from COVID-19 and was discharged from Shanghai Pudong Hospital on Saturday, setting a record for the oldest patient in a severe condition to have recovered from the disease in China.

Staff (2022-05-15). Cuba reporta 93 nuevos casos de COVID-19, ningún fallecido y 92 altas médicas. Al cierre de este sábado 14 de mayo, Cuba reportó 93 nuevos casos de COVID-19, ningún fallecido y 92 altas médicas. Actualmente hay 467 casos activos, informó el Ministerio de Salud Pública (Minsap) en su parte diario este domingo.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-15). FDA limits use of J&J COVID-19 vaccine. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has limited use of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine for adults due to risks associated with blood clots. "The FDA's decision to limit the use of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for SARS-CoV2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) was due to an FDA analysis that indicated an elevated but low risk for blood clots in some patients who received the vaccine," says Dr. Andrew Badley, an infectious…

WSWS (2022-05-15). UK's role confirms Sweden/Finland NATO membership planned for years. In 2014, the UK hosted a summit of NATO in Wales founding the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF), consisting of seven NATO allies which would assemble military forces among the northern and high regions of Europe. Sweden and Finland joined in 2017.

Rick Rozoff (2022-05-15). Sweden to apply for NATO membership on Tuesday, Finland on Wednesday — reports. Trend News AgencyMay 15, 2022 Sweden plans to apply for NATO membership on May 17 Sweden is expected to apply for NATO membership on May 17, Svenska Dagbladet newspaper reported on Sunday…. According to the newspaper, the date will depend on whether Finland has time to make a decision on joining by then. According to …

Rick Rozoff (2022-05-15). NATO invites Georgian leadership to June summit. Agenda.geMay 15, 2022 Georgian leadership to be invited to NATO Summit — Deputy Sec Gen The Georgian leadership will be invited to the NATO Summit that will be held in Madrid at the end of June, Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana said in a doorstep statement earlier today, ahead of an informal meeting of NATO …

Rick Rozoff (2022-05-15). Pentagon trains Georgian special forces for war in Caucasus, Black Sea. Georgian Ministry of DefneseMay 14, 2022 Georgian Special Operations Forces participated in the international exercise "Trojan Footprint 2022" A two-week large-scale exercise was organized on the European continent by the US Special Operations Command (SOCEUR) in Europe. Georgian Defense Forces Special Operations Forces have taken part in it for the second time. From the Georgian …

_____ (2022-05-15). Atlanta Fights To Save Its Forest. A harsh chorus of chants and drums erupted in the late afternoon silence of the upscale Atlanta suburb of Kennesaw, Georgia, Monday, punctuated by the pops of fireworks and the barks of dogs. A group of 30-40 protestors chanting "Stop Cop City!" converged on the home of Shepherd Long, Principal of Long Engineering, an engineering firm subcontracted to do surveying and other pre-construction work on the Atlanta Police Foundation's Public Safety Training Center, currently scheduled to open in late 2023.

_____ (2022-05-15). 'Corporal Punishment Is Violence': Black Communities Vow To Ban School Paddling. Today, as the founder and director of Activists with a Purpose Plus, based in Grenada, Freelon-Foster advocates for students at school disciplinary hearings. She also served as mayor of Grenada in 2004 and 2005. To her, the beatings and disproportionate use of force against Black children like Kiorey, even today, is a continuation of the historical racial violence that has been perpetrated against Blacks starting in the days of slavery. "For me, corporal punishment is violence," she said. "How can corporal punishment be thought of as reasonable?" | Freelon-Foster counseled Ringo and her family on their options in…

_____ (2022-05-15). Marcos Family Returns To Power In The Philippines. 36 years after a popular revolution overthrew the regime of Ferdinand Marcos, the Philippines on May 9 elected the former dictator's son to the presidency. According to the partial vote count released by the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) at 98% reporting, Ferdinand Marcos Jr, also known as Bongbong Marcos, is set to win the presidency by securing around 60% of the popular votes counted so far. | Bongbong's running mate Sara Duterte, daughter of outgoing president Rodrigo Duterte, also won the vice-president's post with over 61% of the popular votes in total. The marathon round of elections had a turnout of ov…

Misión Verdad (2022-05-15). Controversy and Contradictions Ahead of the 9th Summit of the Americas. By Misión Verdad — May 14, 2022 | The Train Wreck | The controversy began when US Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Brian Nichols, made a

Peoples Dispatch (2022-05-15). Colombia decriminalizes medically assisted suicide for critically ill patients. With the decision, Colombia becomes the first and only country in the Latin America and the Caribbean region to have decriminalized both euthanasia and medically assisted suicide…

Peoples Dispatch (2022-05-15). Mayor of Medellin removed from office in Colombia. Thousands have been mobilizing in the Colombian city of Medellin against a recent suspension of the mayor Daniel Quintero by the Inspector General's office. His position was revoked for his alleged political participation in the upcoming presidential elections.

2022-05-16 03:24 | 23:24 EST | tr | 52 | 0 | 1 | 55 | 0 

2022-05-14: News Headlines

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-05-13). Is It Coincidence That Some CIA Torture Techniques are so Popular With Ukrainian Neo-Nazis? Ekaterina Blinova Dutch journalist Sonja van den Ende in Donbass © Photo : Sonja van den Ende While the US rushed to vilify Russia's latest UN Security Council Arria-Formula summit on Kiev's human rights violations, one might wonder as to why Ukrainian neo-Nazi torture sites have so much in common with CIA secret prisons, says…

Editor (2022-05-13). Economist Michael Hudson on decline of dollar, sanctions war, imperialism, financial parasitism. Economist Michael Hudson discusses the decline of the U.S. dollar, the sanctions war on Russia, his concept of "free-trade imperialism," and financial parasitism.

Animal Liberation Press Office (2022-05-13). Now For Some Good News: Animal Abusers Feeling the Heat. Below are some selected news stories from the last 16 months; no claims by activists for any of these fires have been received as of yet by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office.

Birgit Naujeck, Roland Rottenfusser (2022-05-13). The modeling of the human and Final victory of materialism. Birgit Naujeck, born in 1963, did not grow up in the GDR (east Germany), but was socialized by it. .. From her opposition to technocracy, she clearly opposes 5G, transhumanism, any eugenics, and the disembodiment of our language, which leads to the rewriting of history and gender. The Final victory of materialism coincides with its implosion!

Food Recovery Network (2022-05-13). Tuesday 5/17: Intersectional Practices: Ways We Can Ensure Our Economic Security w/ Food Recovery Ntwk. Online event…

Green Party (2022-05-13). Green Party endorsements, and also the "Green Voter Guide" The complete 12-page GREEN VOTER GUIDE with its analyses is ONLINE at: http: // (Please click on the letters "PDF" — or use this direct link:… ).

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-05-13). Protest to Save Abortion and Investigate SCOTUS Justices at Nancy Pelosi's House. Speaker of the House Pelosi blasted for supporting anti abortion politician…

Local volunteers (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Benicia: Bans Off Our Bodies! Rally for Reproductive Rights. First Street Green (park), 1st Street & East B Street, Bencia 94510…

local volunteers (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Fairfax: Bans Off Our Bodies! Sidewalk Protest Rally. Fairfax Parkade, 1942 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax, CA 94930…

Local volunteers (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Petaluma: Bans Off Our Bodies: Rally for Reproductive Rigths. Walnut Park, Petaluma Boulevard South & D Street, Petaluma, CA 94952…

Martin Rizzo-Martinez & Daniel Stonebloom (2022-05-13). Challenging Colonialism s01e04 Indian Boarding Schools: Colonialism through Education. This episode of Challenging Colonialism examines the history of the Indian Boarding Schools that impacted thousands of Indigenous Californian children, specifically focusing on Sherman Indian High School in Riverside, Stewart Indian School in Reno, and Saint Boniface Indian School in Banning. Duration: 1 hr 1 min 30 sec…

Mills Rebel Alliance (2022-05-13). Wednesday 5/18: The Unmaking of Mills College.

Oakland Asian Cultural Center (2022-05-13). Saturday 6/4: Queer Trans Asian Pride — A Community Gathering. Oakland Asian Cultural Center…

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Bans Off Our Bodies! Virtual Action Rally for Reproductive Freedom. Virtual action rally for reproductive freedom & abortion rights…

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: San Jose: Bans Off Our Bodies! Rally for Reproductive Freedom. Plaza of San Jose City Hall, 200 E Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA, 95113…

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Oakland: Bans Off Our Bodies! Protest for Reproductive Justice. Lake Merritt Amphitheater – between 12th St. and 1st Ave., Lake Merritt Blvd, Oakland, CA, 94612…

POOR Magazine (2022-05-13). Sunday 5/15: Homefulness Not Homelessness. 8032 Blackarthur (MacArthur) Blvd, Occupied Huchuin (Oakland)…

Volunteer organized for Women's March (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Mountain View: Bans Off Our Bodies! Rally for Reproductive Rights. Centennial Plaza (outside Caltrain Station), 600 W Evelyn Ave, Mountain View, CA 94041 is the starting point for march which goes up Castro St to El Camino Real. | At 11: 30 we vigil at Gateway Park, corner El Camino/Castro.

Volunteer organized for Womens March (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Santa Cruz: Bans Off Our Bodies! Rally for Reproductive Justice. Santa Cruz Clock Tower, N. Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95060…

Women's March Monterey Bay (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Monterey: Bans Off Our Bodies! Rally for Reproductive Rights. Window on the Bay Park, 717 Del Monte Ave, Monterey, CA 93940…

_____ (2022-05-13). Four People Arrested At Invesco's Shareholders' Meeting In Atlanta. Yesterday afternoon people interrupted and disrupted Invesco's annual shareholders' meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. Invesco responded by dragging them out of the meeting. A crowd rallied outside of the shareholders' meeting calling for Invesco to end their investments in the Wyatt Detention Center in Central Falls, Rhode Island. The protest ended with four people being arrested. The Wyatt has faced controversy and ongoing protests after signing a contract with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in 2019, allowing the Wyatt to detain people on behalf of the agency. After this contract was signed, widespread com…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-13). 5-05-2022 Media Only News Briefing: Hepatitis in children: What parents need to know. A sudden increase in the number of children experiencing severe hepatitis has caught the attention of national health experts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently issued an alert to healthcare providers about pediatric patients suffering from significant liver injury who also tested positive for adenovirus. What are the symptoms? What can cause hepatitis? And when should parents be concerned? Two Mayo Clinic experts, Dr. Sara Hassan, a pediatric transplant hepatologist with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center and Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-13). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: What parents should know about the new hepatitis outbreak in children. At least 20 countries and 10 U.S. states have identified unusual hepatitis cases in children. Experts advise that cases are extremely rare, with just under 300 children affected worldwide. Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. It is most commonly caused by a viral infection, although there are other potential causes. A common adenovirus is being investigated as a potential cause for this hepatitis outbreak. Adenoviruses are a group of viruses that typically cause respiratory and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-13). Tips on preventing falls at home. Each year, millions of people are treated in emergency departments across the country for fall injuries. In fact, falling accounts for the most trauma center visits in all ages. A fall can put you at risk of serious injury and can be a sign of another health issue. There are some simple tips to prevent falls, especially in your home. Watch: Tips on preventing falls at home Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 39) is in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-13). What may be behind the unexplained cases of hepatitis in kids. Several countries, including the U.S., have identified or are investigating unexplained hepatitis cases in children. While the reported cases are appearing in clusters, they remain rare. About 200 children are affected worldwide."What we're hearing from the places that are reporting these cases is that there are some children — usually previously healthy kids without underlying medical conditions — who have been admitted to hospital with severe hepatitis or severe inflammation of their liver," says Dr….

2022-05-14 12:51 | 08:51 EST | jz | 27 | 0 | 25 | 0 | 0 

2022-05-13: News Headlines

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-05-13). Is It Coincidence That Some CIA Torture Techniques are so Popular With Ukrainian Neo-Nazis? Ekaterina Blinova Dutch journalist Sonja van den Ende in Donbass © Photo : Sonja van den Ende While the US rushed to vilify Russia's latest UN Security Council Arria-Formula summit on Kiev's human rights violations, one might wonder as to why Ukrainian neo-Nazi torture sites have so much in common with CIA secret prisons, says…

Editor (2022-05-13). Economist Michael Hudson on decline of dollar, sanctions war, imperialism, financial parasitism. Economist Michael Hudson discusses the decline of the U.S. dollar, the sanctions war on Russia, his concept of "free-trade imperialism," and financial parasitism.

Animal Liberation Press Office (2022-05-13). Now For Some Good News: Animal Abusers Feeling the Heat. Below are some selected news stories from the last 16 months; no claims by activists for any of these fires have been received as of yet by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office.

Birgit Naujeck, Roland Rottenfusser (2022-05-13). The modeling of the human and Final victory of materialism. Birgit Naujeck, born in 1963, did not grow up in the GDR (east Germany), but was socialized by it. .. From her opposition to technocracy, she clearly opposes 5G, transhumanism, any eugenics, and the disembodiment of our language, which leads to the rewriting of history and gender. The Final victory of materialism coincides with its implosion!

Food Recovery Network (2022-05-13). Tuesday 5/17: Intersectional Practices: Ways We Can Ensure Our Economic Security w/ Food Recovery Ntwk. Online event…

Green Party (2022-05-13). Green Party endorsements, and also the "Green Voter Guide" The complete 12-page GREEN VOTER GUIDE with its analyses is ONLINE at: http: // (Please click on the letters "PDF" — or use this direct link:… ).

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-05-13). Protest to Save Abortion and Investigate SCOTUS Justices at Nancy Pelosi's House. Speaker of the House Pelosi blasted for supporting anti abortion politician…

Local volunteers (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Benicia: Bans Off Our Bodies! Rally for Reproductive Rights. First Street Green (park), 1st Street & East B Street, Bencia 94510…

local volunteers (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Fairfax: Bans Off Our Bodies! Sidewalk Protest Rally. Fairfax Parkade, 1942 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax, CA 94930…

Local volunteers (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Petaluma: Bans Off Our Bodies: Rally for Reproductive Rigths. Walnut Park, Petaluma Boulevard South & D Street, Petaluma, CA 94952…

Martin Rizzo-Martinez & Daniel Stonebloom (2022-05-13). Challenging Colonialism s01e04 Indian Boarding Schools: Colonialism through Education. This episode of Challenging Colonialism examines the history of the Indian Boarding Schools that impacted thousands of Indigenous Californian children, specifically focusing on Sherman Indian High School in Riverside, Stewart Indian School in Reno, and Saint Boniface Indian School in Banning. Duration: 1 hr 1 min 30 sec…

Mills Rebel Alliance (2022-05-13). Wednesday 5/18: The Unmaking of Mills College.

Oakland Asian Cultural Center (2022-05-13). Saturday 6/4: Queer Trans Asian Pride — A Community Gathering. Oakland Asian Cultural Center…

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Bans Off Our Bodies! Virtual Action Rally for Reproductive Freedom. Virtual action rally for reproductive freedom & abortion rights…

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: San Jose: Bans Off Our Bodies! Rally for Reproductive Freedom. Plaza of San Jose City Hall, 200 E Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA, 95113…

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Oakland: Bans Off Our Bodies! Protest for Reproductive Justice. Lake Merritt Amphitheater – between 12th St. and 1st Ave., Lake Merritt Blvd, Oakland, CA, 94612…

POOR Magazine (2022-05-13). Sunday 5/15: Homefulness Not Homelessness. 8032 Blackarthur (MacArthur) Blvd, Occupied Huchuin (Oakland)…

Volunteer organized for Women's March (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Mountain View: Bans Off Our Bodies! Rally for Reproductive Rights. Centennial Plaza (outside Caltrain Station), 600 W Evelyn Ave, Mountain View, CA 94041 is the starting point for march which goes up Castro St to El Camino Real. | At 11: 30 we vigil at Gateway Park, corner El Camino/Castro.

Volunteer organized for Womens March (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Santa Cruz: Bans Off Our Bodies! Rally for Reproductive Justice. Santa Cruz Clock Tower, N. Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95060…

Women's March Monterey Bay (2022-05-13). Saturday 5/14: Monterey: Bans Off Our Bodies! Rally for Reproductive Rights. Window on the Bay Park, 717 Del Monte Ave, Monterey, CA 93940…

_____ (2022-05-13). Four People Arrested At Invesco's Shareholders' Meeting In Atlanta. Yesterday afternoon people interrupted and disrupted Invesco's annual shareholders' meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. Invesco responded by dragging them out of the meeting. A crowd rallied outside of the shareholders' meeting calling for Invesco to end their investments in the Wyatt Detention Center in Central Falls, Rhode Island. The protest ended with four people being arrested. The Wyatt has faced controversy and ongoing protests after signing a contract with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in 2019, allowing the Wyatt to detain people on behalf of the agency. After this contract was signed, widespread com…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-13). 5-05-2022 Media Only News Briefing: Hepatitis in children: What parents need to know. A sudden increase in the number of children experiencing severe hepatitis has caught the attention of national health experts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently issued an alert to healthcare providers about pediatric patients suffering from significant liver injury who also tested positive for adenovirus. What are the symptoms? What can cause hepatitis? And when should parents be concerned? Two Mayo Clinic experts, Dr. Sara Hassan, a pediatric transplant hepatologist with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center and Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-13). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: What parents should know about the new hepatitis outbreak in children. At least 20 countries and 10 U.S. states have identified unusual hepatitis cases in children. Experts advise that cases are extremely rare, with just under 300 children affected worldwide. Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. It is most commonly caused by a viral infection, although there are other potential causes. A common adenovirus is being investigated as a potential cause for this hepatitis outbreak. Adenoviruses are a group of viruses that typically cause respiratory and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-13). Tips on preventing falls at home. Each year, millions of people are treated in emergency departments across the country for fall injuries. In fact, falling accounts for the most trauma center visits in all ages. A fall can put you at risk of serious injury and can be a sign of another health issue. There are some simple tips to prevent falls, especially in your home. Watch: Tips on preventing falls at home Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 39) is in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-13). What may be behind the unexplained cases of hepatitis in kids. Several countries, including the U.S., have identified or are investigating unexplained hepatitis cases in children. While the reported cases are appearing in clusters, they remain rare. About 200 children are affected worldwide."What we're hearing from the places that are reporting these cases is that there are some children — usually previously healthy kids without underlying medical conditions — who have been admitted to hospital with severe hepatitis or severe inflammation of their liver," says Dr….

Evan Reif (2022-05-12). Army of Secret Propagandists in Ukraine Funded by U.S. to Win Western Hearts and Minds for NATO Policies. In my previous article on the Kyiv Independent, I touched on the Media Development Foundation (MDF), a "media accelerator" founded …

_____ (2022-05-12). Sanctions against Russia: Reactions from the Middle East. The Middle East media have not stopped commenting on recent developments in Ukraine through the prism of their perception in the region. Particular attention is paid to the topic of the sanctions imposed on Moscow and their resonance in the Arab world. As can be seen, attitudes towards these measures are negative in the region. …

Ann Brown (2022-05-12). Abolish The Police? Highlights Of Dr. Marc Lamont Hill's Breakfast Club Appearance. On a media tour to promote his new book, Temple University Professor Dr. Marc Lamont Hill shared his thoughts on police brutality and his solution — to abolish the police — during an interview on the popular radio morning show "The Breakfast Club." Hill is a professor of media studies and urban education and the …

Our Reporter (2022-05-12). DPP recalls defilement case file in Luwero. The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has recalled a case file following protests from parents of a defilement victim in Luwero district. Last month Police in Wobulenzi town council arrested Mohammed Kivumbi, the Director of Vision Nursery and Primary School in Busula trading center over allegations of defiling a primary seven pupil at his school. …

noreply (2022-05-12). Scott Ritter Saying Some Darndest Things. Obviously YouTube gets its noose tightened because, you know, "free speech" thingy, but Scott says here some really "darndest things". And then, of course, when he speaks about loss ratio, it is the whole other story because…
… obviously it never was about losses ratio but about "how you feel about it", you know, what they teach you in Ivy League "social" studies. Just ask Brett Velicovich, he surely knows, as, I am sure, Sean Hannity does. I don't even mention here DNC media machine because it employs primarily morons and inbred imbeciles.

2022-05-13 23:46 | 19:46 EST | jz | 34 | 0 | 5 | 25 | 0 

2022-05-12: News Headlines

Anonymous103 (2022-05-11). Ukraine Disrupts Gas Transit From Russia. Europe Pays. | On May 10, Ukraine notified Gazprom that it would stop receiving gas for transit through its Sohranovka gas-measuring station from 7 a.m. Moscow time on May 11. This event caused high-profile comments and also jeopardized the transportation of Russian gas. | Representatives of the UGTS (Ukrainian gas transport system operator) said that Ukraine will stop the transit of natural gas from Russia to Europe through the Sohranivka station in the Luhansk Region on the morning of 11 Ma…

Dave DeCamp (2022-05-11). House Passes Bill for $40 Billion in New Ukraine Aid. On Tuesday night, the House The measure passed in Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has said the Senate will "move swiftly…

Dave DeCamp (2022-05-11). House Passes Bill for $40 Billion in New Ukraine Aid. On Tuesday night, the House The measure passed in Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has said the Senate will "move swiftly…

United Against War, Militarism (2022-05-11). Saturday 5/21: Protest Against the War in Ukraine. Lake Merritt Amphitheater…

Global Research News (2022-05-11). Selected Articles: UK and US Governments Are Primary Obstacles to Peace Negotiations: Ukrainian News Outlet. By A recent report in Ukrainian news outlet

Kevin Mwanza (2022-05-11). You're Burned Out, Not Lazy: 7 Things To Know. In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement against structural racism, many Black employees are finding themselves emotionally and physically burned out. While some may confuse this as slacking off or laziness on the job, many employees are suffering from burnout characterized by low motivation or low …

Ann Brown (2022-05-11). Economist Lisa Cook Is Confirmed To Federal Reserve Board: Here Are Her Words On Reparations. Lisa Cook, the first Black woman ever confirmed as a governor on the Federal Reserve board in its 108-year history, is an economist from Michigan State University who has researched racial disparities and labor markets and has been vocal in her support of reparations for Black Americans. Nominated in February by President Joe Biden, Cook …

Angela (2022-05-11). Sunday 5/15: Q&A Discussion of Art as Resistance Short Films.

Berkeley Style (2022-05-11). Protesters Provide the Punch at Bay Area Book Fest. The Bay Area Book Festival was back after a hiatus caused by covid concerns. Many people masked up for that extra layer of protection at the event held all outdoors under decorated open air tents. Demonstrators for abortion rights and reproductive justice say they knew just what the festival needed to enliven things.

Brenda Norrell (2022-05-11). Attorneys Organization Files in Support of Standing Rock Water Protectors in Federal Court. The National Police Accountability Project, composed of attorneys nationwide, has filed in federal appeals court in support of Standing Rock Water Protectors. The attorneys told the court that the force used against Water Protectors was "unreasonably excessive," and violated their Fourth Amendment right, which protects people from unreasonable search and seizure by the government.

Charlie Jane Anders (2022-05-11). Saturday 5/14: Writers With Drinks featuring Jaime Cortez. The Make Out Room, 3225 22nd St.

Direct Action Everywhere (2022-05-11). Saturday 5/28: Race to End Animal Gambling in Berkeley and Albany. 100 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-05-11). 2022 World Trade Month – Expanding California African Global Trade. Since 1938, the United States has recognized May as World Trade Month and used it as an opportunity to celebrate the importance of international trade to the U.S. economy. 2022 Africa Unity Week is helping organize and promote The World Conference of Mayors and Black Towns and Historic Settlements Alliance in California as we build global unity. Together, we must build greater awareness and highlight the role of international business and trade in our communities.

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-05-11). Angry Women and Supporters Take to the Streets. Opposition to Supreme Court attack on reproductive health builds…

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-05-11). Mad as Hell Raging Grannies Bring Resistance Message to Berkeley. March through book fair and downtown for abortion rights…

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-05-11). Protest to Save Abortion and Investigate SCOTUS Justices at Nancy Pelosi's House. Speaker of the House Pelosi blasted for supporting anti abortion politician…

PPWTBABF (2022-05-11). Berkeley Rages as Reproductive Rights Under Attack. "Back alley abortions" was a term used to describe illegal abortion before the passage of Roe v. Wade in 1973. Demonstrators on May 8 carried a variety of placards including some that said "Books not Back Alleys". | Stills and 1 min video by Lis Cox.

Variant (2022-05-11). SafeGraph: Data Mining and Surveillance of Reproductive Health. The high-tech tools of America's Fascist movement are developed in the Bay Area. Data brokerage company SafeGraph has been tracking the geo-location data of cellphones belonging to persons who work in reproductive health, as well as their patients. The CEO of SafeGraph is a UC Berkeley graduate, and their company was headquartered in SF, before moving to Denver in 2020.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-11). 5-05-2022 Media Only News Briefing: Hepatitis in children: What parents need to know. A sudden increase in the number of children experiencing severe hepatitis has caught the attention of national health experts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently issued an alert to healthcare providers about pediatric patients suffering from significant liver injury who also tested positive for adenovirus. What are the symptoms? What can cause hepatitis? And when should parents be concerned? Two Mayo Clinic experts, Dr. Sara Hassan, a pediatric transplant hepatologist with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center and Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-11). Ask the Mayo Mom: How and why endoscopy is used in children. Endoscopy is a nonsurgical procedure used to visually examine the digestive system with a tiny camera on the end of a long, flexible tube. An upper endoscopy examines the stomach, esophagus and small intestines. A colonoscopy, which is another type of endoscopy, is used to examine the rectum, large intestine and colon. In children, endoscopy can be used to look for causes of unexplained abdominal pain, to diagnose swallowing disorders or to identify conditions including…

Children by Choice (2022-05-11). Children by Choice says access to legal, safe and timely abortion care is essential. Children by Choice released the following sign-on statement for reproductive rights and access to legal, safe, timely and compassionate abortion.

Dave DeCamp (2022-05-11). China Slams US for Changing Taiwan Wording on State Department Website. On Tuesday, China The State Department

Dave DeCamp (2022-05-11). China Slams US for Changing Taiwan Wording on State Department Website. On Tuesday, China The State Department

Peter Koenig (2022-05-11). China: Seeking Peace and Promoting Development. This was my presentation at a Chongyang Institute's organized international webinar on 6 May 2022 on the topic of "Seeking Peace and Promoting Development". The Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies is a think tank attached to the Renmin University of Beijing. ***** In today's world of regional conflicts, technological upgrading, epidemic stalemate and system reform, …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-11). Consumer Health: Do you know the warning signs of stroke? May is National Stroke Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn about the warning signs of stroke and the need for prompt treatment. Stroke is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. and a major cause of serious disability for adults. More than 795,000 people in the U.S. have a stroke each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Stroke risk increases with age, especially after 55, but strokes…

Renee Lees (2022-05-11). Continuing in the footsteps of North Queensland's rich red history. North Queensland has a rich socialist history, with women, migrants and First Nations people playing a big role. Renee Lees reports.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-11). Could leg pain be due to varicose veins? LA CROSSE, Wis. ‚Äï Patients experiencing an achy, heavy feeling or a burning sensation in their legs may be feeling the symptoms of varicose veins. These twisted, enlarged veins often develop as people age, but they also can begin when people are younger. Any vein that is close to the skin's surface — called a superficial vein — can become a varicose vein. "For most people, varicose veins simply are a cosmetic concern," says Christopher…

Staff (2022-05-11). Heavy cyber attacks target Zionist websites, servers. TEHRAN, May 11 (MNA) — Hebrew news sources reported that the regime's servers and websites have come under extensive cyber attacks.

Jason Ditz (2022-05-11). Israel Fires Missile at Syrian Border Area. Reports Wednesday morning emerged that Israel fired missiles at the Quneitra border area of Syria. Details are still coming in, along with some video on social media of the strikes. Israel, as with most of its attacks, did not comment or explain. | While the strikes hit in Quneitra very close to the border, it still isn't entirely clear what, if anything, was hit. Past strikes in the area targeted observation posts belonging to the Syrian military or to militi…

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-05-11). Leader's meeting with Iranian teachers kicks off. TEHRAN, May 11 (MNA) — The Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei received a group of teachers and Education Ministry officials today in Tehran.

Marzieh Rahmani (2022-05-11). Lebanon's Amal, Hezbollah warn Zionist regime (+VIDEO). TEHRAN, May 11 (MNA) — Releasing separate videos on Wednesday, the Lebanese Resistance movements of Hezbollah and Amal warned the Zionist regime of any committing the slightest mistake and stupidity.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-11). Mayo Clinic Minute: How to manage hay fever allergy symptoms. Don't be alarmed if you are experiencing seasonal allergies for the first time. While hay fever — also known as allergic rhinitis — often begins in childhood, more adults are being diagnosed, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Jay-Sheree Allen, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician, says seasonal allergies can make you feel miserable. It's your body's way of fighting off a perceived threat.Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute. Journalists: Broadcast-quality…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-11). Mayo Clinic Minute: Left ventricular failure — the silent condition that could be fatal. Left ventricular dysfunction is the medical name for a weak heart pump. It's a condition that impacts about 9% of people over the age of 60, which is around 7 million Americans. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Paul Friedman, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains what the condition is and how it can be diagnosed and treated. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 10) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-11). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Just a little tug can cause nursemaid's elbow. DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a 2-year-old daughter who loves to swing in between my husband and me as we walk. But a friend told me that wasn't safe because she could develop nursemaid's elbow. Can you explain the condition? ANSWER: Sometimes all it takes to cause nursemaid's elbow is a little tug, such as when you're helping toddlers down a step, pulling them back from a dangerous situation or playing by swinging them by their arms…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-11). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: What parents should know about the new hepatitis outbreak in children. At least 20 countries and 10 U.S. states have identified unusual hepatitis cases in children. Experts advise that cases are extremely rare, with just under 300 children affected worldwide. Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. It is most commonly caused by a viral infection, although there are other potential causes. A common adenovirus is being investigated as a potential cause for this hepatitis outbreak. Adenoviruses are a group of viruses that typically cause respiratory and…

Anonymous Contributor (2022-05-11). Memorial Organized for Mario Gonzalez, Killed by Police in Alameda, California. Report on community memorial marking the one year anniversary of the police murder of Mario Gonzalez, in the bay area of California. On April 19th, 2022, a memorial was held for the one year anniversary of the tragic murder of Mario Gonzalez by Alameda Police. Coming just a week after the DA decided not to…

Peter Boyle (2022-05-11). Protesters take aim at 2022 Indo Pacific Expo naval arms bazaar. Peace groups organised a protest at Darling Harbour outside the 2022 Indo Pacific Expo naval arms bazaar. Video by Peter Boyle.

Paul Haeder (2022-05-11). Reality Privileged: Orwell/Huxley/McLuhan on Steroids. You can go through life with a thousand epigrams or deep quotes that you might come back to over two, four, six decades. Then, the disrupters pop up, those techno fascists, the tinkers and culture blasters. These sociopaths who get the limelight then become part of a new set of epigrams, but not grand ones, …

Staff (2022-05-11). RuTube, el YouTube ruso sufre ataque cibernético de gran magnitud. El sitio web de vídeo online RuTube, conocido como la alternativa rusa al YouTube, ha sufrido el mayor ataque informático de su historia, según informó este martes la plataforma rusa. "Nos hemos topado con el mayor ataque informático en la historia de RuTube", según un mensaje en su canal en Telegram.

Bay Area & Seattle (2022-05-11). Saturday 5/21: Ecosocialism: The solution to save planet earth. In Person at New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk Street San Francisco 94109 | Zoom link…

WNBR-SF (2022-05-11). Saturday 6/11: 17th Annual World Naked Bike Ride – San Francisco Northern Hemisphere. Rincon Park, Folsom & Embarcadero | Meet near the Cupid's Arrow…

Jim McIlroy (2022-05-11). Sydney Uni staff strike for secure work, better student outcomes. Unionists and students have set up picket line at the University of Sydney in support of their claim for permanency, First Nations employment targets and reasonable workloads. Jim McIlroy reports.

Peter Boyle (2022-05-11). The emptiness of 'billionaire philanthropy'. ABC's Australian Story rehashed the billionaire philanthropy trope in its episode about the second richest person in Australia, Andrew 'Twiggy' Forrest. Peter Boyle reports.

Ramzy Baroud (2022-05-11). The Limits of Israeli Intelligence: Does Israel Have a Yahya Sinwar Problem? Like typical analyses offered by western intelligences when trying to assess risks or understand major political phenomena in the Middle East, Israeli intelligence is equally short-sighted. It insists on analyzing the attitudes and body language of individuals instead of focusing on the behavior of collectives. This is the case today as Israel is desperately trying …

Ajamu Baraka (2022-05-11). The Poor People's Campaign and the Moral Dilemma of Liberalism. Rev. William Barber (Photo: Getty Images) The demands for justice at home and abroad must not be sacrificed on the altar of what is called pragmatism. The false choices presented by liberalism can undermine the movement altogether. Rev. William Barber, an indisputable champion of the poor and a consistent voice demanding an end to poverty, …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-11). Tips on preventing falls at home. Each year, millions of people are treated in emergency departments across the country for fall injuries. In fact, falling accounts for the most trauma center visits in all ages. A fall can put you at risk of serious injury and can be a sign of another health issue. There are some simple tips to prevent falls, especially in your home. Watch: Tips on preventing falls at home Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 39) is in…

Rise Up for Abortion Rights Bay Area (2022-05-11). Tuesday 5/10: Save Abortion, Nancy–Investigate the Corrupt Justices! 2 Normandie Terrace, San Francisco…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-05-11). What may be behind the unexplained cases of hepatitis in kids. Several countries, including the U.S., have identified or are investigating unexplained hepatitis cases in children. While the reported cases are appearing in clusters, they remain rare. About 200 children are affected worldwide."What we're hearing from the places that are reporting these cases is that there are some children — usually previously healthy kids without underlying medical conditions — who have been admitted to hospital with severe hepatitis or severe inflammation of their liver," says Dr….

2022-05-12 12:22 | 08:22 EST | jz | 50 | 0 | 48 | 0 | 0