(2021-07-04). Palestinian resistance celebrated at Palestine Stand in Toulouse, France. samidoun.net On Saturday, 3 July, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a member organization of the Samidoun Network, organized a Palestine Stand at the Capitole metro station in Toulouse, France. The initiative focused on celebrating the legitimacy and necessity of Palestinian resistance in confonting colonization, racism, and apartheid violence, especially following the deadly Israeli military aggression against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in May 2021. üáµüá∏ Hier à Toulouse, nouveau Stand Palestine à la sortie du métro Capitole en soutien à la résistance palestinienne. Celu…
(2021-07-03). Olympics Chiefs Relax Protest Rules For Tokyo Games. popularresistance.org The decision came amid calls to relax rule 50.2 of the Olympic Charter, which states: "No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in any Olympic sites, venues or other areas." The International Olympic Committee (IOC) had promised to review the rule after the Black Lives Matter movement gained global support.
(2021-07-03). Black Lives Matter gestures given green light for Tokyo Games as Olympic chiefs confirm athletes can kneel before events are held. rt.com The International Olympic Committee appears to have fully opened the door to gestures such as the taking of the knee for Black Lives Matter at this summer's games in Tokyo, easing the rules after consulting thousands of athletes. | A new version of International Olympic Committee (IOC) guidelines, produced to provide "further clarity and guidance" to athletes, gives stars the "opportunity to express their views" in areas including media zones and centers, at press conferences and on social media. | In a potentially telling section for competitors planning to repeat the kneeling gesture that has become prevalen…
(2021-07-03). Cape Verde Government Denies Responsibility, Leaves Alex Saab's Fate in the Hands of Constitutional Court. orinocotribune.com In a new expression of cynicism and disrespect for international law, Cape Verdean Minister of Justice Joana Rosa asserted that, although Venezuelan special diplomatic envoy Alex Saab was arrested by order of the Cape Verdean government, the process of his extradition to the United States "is no longer the competence of the government from the moment it became a judicial matter." Therefore, the Constitutional Court [Supreme Court] of Cape Verde will have to decide on the matter. | According to a report published by the website Inforpress, Minister Rosa stated that "the government has not approved the extradition…