Israel, 'Only Mideast Democracy,' Criminalizes Journalism, arrests Al Jazeera Reporter for Covering E. Jerusalem; What is being Covered Up?
Juan Cole | | 2021-06-06
Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The Israeli police took another step toward criminalizing journalism on Saturday when they arrested al-Jazeera Arabic correspondent Givara al-Budeiri while she was covering a demonstration in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem marking the anniversary of the Naksa, the Setback. That term is how is how Palestinians refer to ……
Block The Boat picket stops Israeli apartheid profiteer ship from unloading in Port of Oakland
ANSWER Coalition | | 2021-06-06
Guest post by the ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism)……
June 8: BLOCK THE BOAT Vancouver: End Israeli Apartheid — Defend Palestine!
Staff | | 2021-06-06
Tuesday, June 8 — gather at 3 pm at Woodland Park (Woodland and Frances, Vancouver) — please stay alert through joining the text system for date and time changes! Vancouver, BC, Occupied Coast Salish Territories TEXT YOUR NAME to: +1-833-590-1987 for updates and action alerts Join the Facebook Event: BLOCK THE BOAT FOR PALESTINE! — UPDATE to Tuesday, June 8 ** Get updates and news. Text your name to +1-833-590-1987 ** TUESDAY, JUNE 8 — BRING YOUR MASK AND KEFFIYEH AND GATHER AT 3 PM AT WOODLAND PARK: Zim-Operated Ship scheduled to dock at Van……
What exactly is the "system" that we are fighting?
Joris Leverink | | 2021-06-05
Riot cops at the Capitol Building in Washington D.C., United States. Nigel Parry / Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0). | This article is adapted from Eric Laursen's new book, The Operating System: An Anarchist Theory of the State (AK Press). | "The system" is back. And it is high time we talk about it again. | Fifty years ago, in the days of the Vietnam War, the counterculture and widespread questioning of government, a lot of prominent writers, not to mention day-to-day activists, used this bit of sh…
Block The Boat Picket Stops Israeli Apartheid Profiteer Ship from Unloading in Port of Oakland
Answer Coalition | | 2021-06-05