2020-07-10: News Headlines

A Guest Author (2020-07-10). Two more monuments to racism bite the dust in Boston. workers.org By G. Lechat Boston Black Lives Matter rebellion power brought down two controversial statues here, one of Christopher Columbus in the traditionally Italian-American North End, and the Downtown "Freedman's Memorial," a replica of a better-known bronze statue in Washington D.C. Boston is a famously parochial "city of neighborhoods" — historically . . . |

Staff (2020-07-10). BLM Protests Captured In Black And White. therealnews.com TRNN's Aman Azhar captured these photos June 7-8 shortly after thousands took to the streets of Washington, D.C. demanding an end to racial discrimination and police brutality.

Judy Greenspan (2020-07-10). Black Organizing Project gana campaña para desmantelar departamento de policía escolar. workers.org Por Judy Greenspan Oakland, California The Black Organizing Project (BOP), es una organización comunitaria liderada por miembros negros que trabaja por la justicia racial, social y económica a través de la organización de base y la construcción de comunidades en Oakland, California. En medio de una peligrosa pandemia, la organización, . . . |

_____ (2020-07-10). Scheer Intelligence: The Price Of Ignoring The Ferguson Uprising. popularresistance.org August 9 will mark six years since 18-year-old Michael Brown was murdered by policeman Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Miss. Since then, Wilson has walked free and the systemic issues that have plagued this nation throughout its history have gone unaddressed. That changed with the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in May, which so thoroughly shocked Americans and established that the lessons from Ferguson and the Black Lives Matter movement that rose from it never had been absorbed. | Now, at a moment of heightened awareness about racism, Black Lives Matter leaders and Black activists and artists such as t…

RT (2020-07-10). NYC mayor bans 'large events' through end of September — except BLM protests. rt.com New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has banned all large public events for the next three months, citing the Covid-19 pandemic — only to make a belated exception for Black Lives Matter rallies, incensing Americans far outside the city. | Fresh from painting a giant "Black Lives Matter" mural on Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower, the mayor took to CNN to expand on his office's order to cancel all large gatherings through September 30 on Thursday. But when host Wolf Blitzer asked him about "protests," de Blasio couldn't resist taking the day's pandering even further. | "We understand, at this moment in histor…

RT (2020-07-10). Robert Fuller 'lynching' rumors dismissed as probe finds hanging victim heard voices & was hospitalized for suicidal thoughts. rt.com The death of Robert Fuller, declared a lynching by Black Lives Matter activists after he was found hanging from a tree outside Los Angeles, was confirmed as a suicide — but many are hesitant to trust the probe's result. | Fuller, a 24-year-old black man discovered hanging from a tree near City Hall in the Los Angeles suburb of Palmdale, heard voices telling him to kill himself and was repeatedly hospitalized for suicidal ideation before his death, according to the LA County Sheriff's Department, which revealed the results of its investigation at a press conference on Thursday. | While Fuller's death had…

RT (2020-07-10). Twitter data-mining tool Dataminr fed police real-time info on Black Lives Matter protesters, despite promises not to spy. rt.com An analytics firm parsing Twitter data in real time for law enforcement and media has been caught funneling detailed info on anti-police-brutality marches to the very agencies users are protesting, despite promises not to. | Dataminr, a CIA-funded artificial intelligence startup that mines Twitter's real-time content stream for behavioral patterns and other analytics, has been caught feeding info on police brutality protesters from that "firehose" stream back to law enforcement. While the developers had promised they wouldn't enable domestic surveillance after a series of scandals in 2016, Dataminr is once aga…

RT (2020-07-10). 'Tainting' public opinion? Minneapolis court issues GAG ORDER in George Floyd trial after lawyer tells cop's side of story. rt.com The judge overseeing the trial of four Minneapolis cops accused of killing black security guard George Floyd has placed a gag order on the defendants and their lawyers after pieces of somewhat exculpatory evidence were released. | Citing the risk of "tainting a potential jury pool" and "impair[ing] all parties' right to a fair trial," Hennepin County District Judge Peter Cahill slapped a gag order on "all parties, attorneys, their employees, agents or independent contractors working on their behalf" on Thursday with regard to the trial of the four Minneapolis cops charged with killing Floyd. The 46-year-old se…

Amy Porte, Meg Brizz (2020-07-10). Saturday 7/11: Black Lives Matter. indybay.org Slade Park, Novato…

_____ (2020-07-10). Corporations Hyping BLM Fail Us in Every Other Way. strategic-culture.org If Apple and Nike actually cared, they would focus on creating jobs in struggling American black communities. But they don't. | Darrell C. SCOTT | Their rhetoric is lofty and touching, but contradicted by their actions. As Johnny Burtka, the Executive Director of The American Conservative, pointed out on the Tucker Carlson Show: these companies have not lifted a finger to actually help or create jobs for the people they claim to support. | Apple has achieved great financial success by exporting jobs to foreign lands. They are happy to use foreign laborers working in substandard conditions for substandard salaries…

RT (2020-07-10). 'Emotional beatdown on daily basis': 150 Minneapolis police officers seek disability for PTSD over BLM riots. rt.com At least 150 Minneapolis police officers have begun seeking duty disability because of post traumatic stress following the George Floyd protests and riots, their attorney has revealed. | The attorney who handles disability claims for the Minneapolis police, Ron Meuser, told The ongoing unrest seems to have broken the already exhausted…

A.D. Foster (2020-07-10). Columbia, SC protesters resilient in the face of police repression. liberationnews.org Protesters, activists and community members in Columbia, South Carolina are facing severe repression following protests against racism and police terror at the end of May. So far, more than 80 people have been arrested, protesters and bystanders alike. That number continues to grow as the Richland County Sheriff's Department and Columbia Police Department seek to …

Staff (2020-07-10). A Blueprint For Violence: Police Training Manual Reveals Disturbing Methods. therealnews.com A training manual obtained by PAR raises questions about what cops are being taught and how they handle encounters with civilians. PAR speaks with Jaelyn Cedillo of Pueblo, CO, whose brother was gunned down by Pueblo sheriffs.

Alan MacLeod (2020-07-10). Private Prison Simulation Game Goes Viral on Apple App Store. thealtworld.com With over two million people locked up across a sprawling network of private and public prisons, the US has by far the highest incarceration rate in the world, significantly worse than brutal dictatorships in Africa, Latin America or Central Asia. | MPN— A new game called "Prison Empire Tycoon" is going viral. Released in late May, it has risen to become the current number one strategy game in Apple's

yenisafak (2020-07-10). Turkish police arrest 14 terrorist PKK suspects. yenisafak.com Turkish police arrested 14 suspects in raids in the southern Adana province for their alleged links to the terrorist group PKK, a judicial source said on Friday.Anti-terror police launched an investigation into the alleged members of the terrorist group, said a source, who asked not to be named due to restrictions on speaking to the media.With 17 arrest warrants in total, police continue operations to capture the remaining three suspects.In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK — listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the US and EU — has been responsible for the deaths o…

Santa Cruz News (2020-07-10). Santa Cruz Grand Jury Suggests Transitioning Juvenile Hall into a Homeless Services Center. indybay.org In it's report, "Homelessness: Big Problem, Little Progress: It's Time To Think Outside The Box," the 2019-2020 Santa Cruz County Civil Grand Jury suggests transitioning Juvenile Hall in Felton into a, "treatment and multi-faceted supportive services center for homeless individuals". The Civil Grand Jury report cited low incarceration numbers at Juvenile Hall in Felton compared to the number of staff members required to operate the facility, and noted that decreasing youth incarceration rates across the State of California has led to other counties closing their juvenile detention centers. "The Grand Jury believe…

Aaron Morrison (2020-07-09). 'Strike for Black Lives': Planned July 20 walkout unites BLM and unions. peoplesworld.org NEW YORK (AP)—A national coalition of labor unions, along with racial and social justice organizations, will stage a mass walkout from work this month, as part of an ongoing reckoning on systemic racism and police brutality in the U.S. Dubbed the "Strike for Black Lives," tens of thousands of fast food, ride-share, nursing home, and airport workers …

Ahrar Ahmad (2020-07-09). Racism in America: Police Choke-hold is Not the Issue. counterpunch.org While the abject inhumanity of slavery may have been legally mitigated to some extent, the institutions, practices and values of exclusion, exploitation and devaluation were not. Constitutional guarantees, and Supreme Court decisions, could be cleverly subverted by States. For example, Black people were denied the right to vote through poll taxes, arbitrary registration requirements, literacy tests, grandfather clauses, white primaries and so on. In 1940, 70 years after they had received the right to vote, only 3% of Blacks in the South were registered as voters. Less overt voter suppression efforts continue to t…

Ahrar Ahmad (2020-07-09). Racism in America: Police Choke-Holds Are Not the Issue. counterpunch.org While the abject inhumanity of slavery may have been legally mitigated to some extent, the institutions, practices and values of exclusion, exploitation and devaluation were not. Constitutional guarantees, and Supreme Court decisions, could be cleverly subverted by States. For example, Black people were denied the right to vote through poll taxes, arbitrary registration requirements, literacy tests, grandfather clauses, white primaries and so on. In 1940, 70 years after they had received the right to vote, only 3% of Blacks in the South were registered as voters. Less overt voter suppression efforts continue to t…

_____ (2020-07-09). The State And White Supremacy. popularresistance.org As an ongoing phenomenon, the analysis of what is referred to as the George Floyd, or now the "Black Lives Matter" demos, must be necessarily tentative. It has been instructive to observe how the energy and passion of the spontaneous militant response to the murder of George Floyd went from a movement that saw the burning of a police station transformed into one in which, according to Martin Schoots-McAlpine , the most militant demand was to make "minor amendments to municipal budgets." I will resist the temptation of attempting to address all the components and will only focus on one central element in this shor…

_____ (2020-07-09). How Black And Brown Workers Are Redefining Strikes. popularresistance.org During George Floyd's funeral on June 9th, Black dockworkers in Charleston, S.C., shut down the nation's 4th busiest port and gathered to show their solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. | "All operations stopped, the terminals were shut down, no machines were working, trucks were backed up for miles along the interstate because we weren't moving anything on the terminal," said Ken Riley, a Black dockworker and President of ILA Local 1422. | The actions were part of a nationwide effort in which the International Longshore Association, which is 65% Black, shut down all the ports on the East and Gulf Sho…

RT (2020-07-09). 'Liberating 5th Avenue': New York mayor paints BLACK LIVES MATTER outside Trump Tower. rt.com Signaling where his priorities lie amid an epidemic of coronavirus and violence, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio ordered a stretch of 5th Avenue outside Trump Tower to be painted with the words 'Black Lives Matter'. | City workers closed off the street on Thursday morning and began painting the mural, as De Blasio boasted about "liberating 5th Avenue" and finally giving credit to African-Americans for building New York and the US. | | "We are not denigrating anything, we are liberating Fifth Avenue." | New York City Mayor Bill de Blasi…

RT (2020-07-09). 'Virtue signaling at its finest': Fury after US team replaces player names with black police brutality victims (VIDEO). rt.com Critics have described the Black Lives Matter movement as a "scam" and questioned the point of a move by a Major League Soccer team which has replaced player names with the names of black victims of police brutality. | Philadelphia Union players wore the names of victims on the backs of their shirts when they played New York City FC in the MLS is Back Tournament in Orlando on Thursday. | The shirts also had the message "one name, too many" printed on them, revealed by the players for their pre-match photo after they had warmed up in Black Lives Matter t-shirts. | "Our players stand together," the team's Twitte…

RT (2020-07-09). 'Coping' mechanism: Ford workers request company stops providing US police with vehicles amid reckoning on cop violence. rt.com The Great Awokening has finally pulled into the automobile industry amid the growing Black Lives Matter movement. Ford's CEO is apparently not on board with the idea though, praising the role of law enforcement. | In the United States, two-thirds of police cars are Fords. Now, some Ford employees The internal letter is…

RT (2020-07-09). 'Pull up your pants & finish school': Would CNN's Don Lemon cancel himself over shockingly unwoke 2013 tips to black community? rt.com A vintage clip of CNN anchor Don Lemon telling black people to act civilized and disregard "street culture" has the woke pundit's detractors' jaws on the floor, wondering what happened to him over the intervening seven years. | In the 2013 clip, Lemon praises Fox News host Bill O'Reilly as the Republican pundit decries the "disintegration of the African-American family," even arguing O'Reilly "doesn't go far enough" when he denounces "street culture." The video was posted to social media by "Panda Tribune" on Wednesday and quickly circulated among conservatives, who had a hard time reconciling this Lemon with…

RT (2020-07-09). Theresa May accused of 'breathtaking' hypocrisy after complaining about discrimination against black people. rt.com Former UK PM Theresa May has sparked anger after lamenting the rise in discrimination against black people in Britain, with some saying she is complicit for having overseen the government's 'hostile environment' policy. | During an interview with BBC Radio 4 on Thursday, May contended that the increasing number of black people being stopped by police was evidence that individuals were being apprehended based on the color of their skin, adding that there was a "wider" societal issue at play. | I fundamentally believe that you should not be stopped on the streets of our country simply because of the colour of yo…

Michael Harris (2020-07-09). California Reparations Bill AB 3121 – Senate Process in flow… indybay.org The signs and symbols surrounding the California State Capitol are coming down and few know the reason they were put in place. Reparative Justice hidden, cloaked in secrecy and does not mention Slavery thoroughout the State of California… limited narrow focus may do additional harm… yet not sure it matters because the Black Lives "in the building" is all that matters.

Staff (2020-07-09). Belgian Princess Condemns Her Family's Brutal Colonial History in Congo & Calls for Reparations. democracynow.org Black Lives Matter protests in the U.S. have sparked a reckoning about racism and colonialism across the world, including in Belgium, where a growing movement is demanding the country address systemic racism and make amends for its violent colonial legacy. King Philippe issued an unprecedented statement "expressing regret" for Belgium's brutal colonial rule in Congo under Leopold II, who ran the country as his personal fiefdom and under whose command millions of Congolese were enslaved and killed. "It's an erased history," says Belgo-Congolese journalist and activist Gia Abrassart. We also speak with Princess Esm…

Peoples Dispatch (2020-07-09). Movements in the US continue on the streets in demand of structural changes. peoplesdispatch.org Protesters across the US have remained on the streets for over a month to demand justice for victims of police brutality and immediate structural changes to the capitalist racist system…

Staff (2020-07-09). Hate Groups Rake In PPP Loans as Racial Justice Movement Expands. truthout.org As millions took to the streets in all 50 states last month to protest against systemic racism and police brutality, several organizations that are considered hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) were enjoying new six- or seven-figure Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans from the federal government. | On Monday, the Small Business Administration released the names of over 650,000 PPP beneficiaries that received $150,000 or more in forgivable loans from the agency. That list included a…

_____ (2020-07-09). Rally Protests Anti-Racist Teacher's Suspension. popularresistance.org Milton, MA – Hundreds rallied on Juneteenth (June 19) in Milton, Mass., calling for an end to systemic racism in school curriculum and voicing support for Zakia Jarrett, an African-American sixth-grade English teacher. Jarrett was briefly put on administrative leave June 5 for her remarks on police violence during a lesson on racism. | Jarrett, who has taught for 18 years, used the last line of the poem "Allowables" by Nikki Giovanni as a metaphor for racism. The line reads: "I don't think I'm allowed to kill something because I am afraid." | Jarrett explained that killing out of fear leads to systemic racism and…

Staff (2020-07-09). Strange Slow Dance Between Israel And The Gulf States, Despite Annexation. therealnews.com UAE ambassador Yousef al-Otaiba wrote an article promising normalization on the condition that Israel does not annex parts of the West Bank. Jamal Juma' of Stop The Wall pushed back with an opinion piece in Middle East Eye exposing the reality of Israeli apartheid.

RT (2020-07-09). UK police arrest four terrorism suspects in London and Leicester. rt.com The Met police carried out an operation to arrest three terrorist suspects in the east of the British capital, another man was detained in Leicestershire. | The police said that four men were arrested for "preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism" as part of a proactive investigation. | Three suspects were detained at two separate addresses in East London, with one more apprehended in Leicestershire. | The Counter Terrorism unit making an arrest in Maygoods in London, England, Thursday 9th July 2020.

Peoples Dispatch (2020-07-09). 'Israeli annexation plan formalises the system of apartheid'. peoplesdispatch.org Palestinian lawyer and activist Diana Buttu talks about what the Israeli administration may have in mind about implementing the annexation plans, the impact of this on the two-state theory, the future of Palestinian Authority, and more.

Hatewatch Staff (2020-07-09). TRS Radio Network Member Arrested in Virginia for Stickers Linking to Hate Site. splcenter.org Police in Norfolk, Virginia, have arrested a man affiliated with The Right Stuff (TRS) podcast network, a white nationalist hate group and propaganda organ.

Peoples Dispatch (2020-07-08). Black Lives Matter protests continue in cities across the US. peoplesdispatch.org Over a month after the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers, protests continue to rage on in dozens of cities across the United States with demands for structural change…

Minnie Bruce Pratt (2020-07-08). Black Lives Matter rewrites history. workers.org July 7 — A people's tidal wave against white supremacy has swept through the U.S. since the police murder of George Floyd on May 25. The assertion of power by the people against racist oppression has defied curfews, teargas, deadly weapons, mass arrests and unjust laws. A statue of Christopher . . . |

Paul Craig Roberts (2020-07-08). George F. Will Disposes of Dumbshit Progressives. thealtworld.com We can add to Will's list Greek, Roman, and other ancient artifacts from slave-owning societies in museums throughout the Western world. The Roman statues in the Met celebrate slave-holders and must be defaced and destroyed. The Roman colosseum and other remains must be pulled down along with the Acropolis in Athens. Even though the slaves were white, these architectural and historically significant ruins are offensive to blacks and must go. Blacks will never recover from slavery until all signs of Western civilization are obliterated. From the standpoint of Antifa and Black Lives Matter—essentially white o…

Jessie Lau (2020-07-08). Why the US-China Rivalry Is Thwarting Transnational Solidarity. thenation.com Why the US-China Rivalry Is Thwarting Transnational Solidarity…

Alec Connon (2020-07-08). What Do the Racial Wealth Gap, Police Brutality, and the Climate Crisis Have in Common? Wall Street. commondreams.org "The fossil fuel corporations funded by Wall Street cause vast harm to black communities," writes Connon, "yet, black communities reap almost no benefit from the industry." (Image: Flood Wall Street) | www.commondreams.org/sites/default/files…

sputniknews (2020-07-08). US Bird-Watcher Uncooperative in NYC Case, Says Amy Cooper Has 'Already Paid Steep Price'. sputniknews.com Amy Cooper, the New York City woman who called the cops on Black bird-watcher Christian Cooper back in May, has been charged with filing a false police report, but the alleged victim of her actions has now revealed that he does not plan to cooperate with the Manhattan district attorney.

RT (2020-07-08). California couple charged with HATE CRIME for painting over city-approved BLM mural. rt.com The couple who attempted to paint over the City of Martinez's "Black Lives Matter" mural on the 4th of July have been charged with a hate crime and two other misdemeanors by a controversial "progressive" prosecutor. | Nichole Anderson and David Nelson have been hit with three misdemeanor charges over their efforts to paint over a Black Lives Matter mural in front of the Wakefield Taylor Courthouse just hours after the original painting was completed with the full blessing of the city of Martinez, a statement from Contra Costa District Attorney Diane Becton's office revealed on Tuesday. The pair could face up t…

RT (2020-07-08). WATCH: SUV drives through crowd of BLM protesters in New York, but driver released without charge. rt.com A motorist panicked after being surrounded by Black Lives Matter protesters in New York's Times Square, speeding through the crowd and trapping a bicycle under the vehicle's chassis. No charges have been filed as yet, however. | "We have bikes that go in the front and block off the intersection and redirect traffic so we don't have to worry about things happening like what just happened," one protest organizer explained after protesters pursued the driver for two blocks. | The group of cyclists were attempting to stop traffic to allow the BLM protesters through when the driver suddenly panicked after their Dod…

Black Lives Matter Scotts Valley (2020-07-08). Thursday 7/9: Scotts Valley: Black Lives Matter Peaceful Protest. indybay.org 5: 30pm: Meet at Skypark, 361 Kings Village Rd, Scotts Valley | March to MacDorsa Park, 1 Civic Center Drive, Scotts Valley…

Ed Childs and G. Lechat (2020-07-08). 'End police brutality' with new forms of union solidarity. workers.org A rally and march against police brutality called by UNITE HERE Local 26 — a union representing hotel, casino and school dining hall workers — drew upwards of 500 to the Commons in the center of this working-class immigrant city on June 26. A former manufacturing center that fell on . . . |

Lyn Neeley (2020-07-08). Milton, Mass.: Rally protests anti-racist teacher's suspension. workers.org Hundreds rallied on Juneteenth (June 19) in Milton, Mass., calling for an end to systemic racism in school curriculum and voicing support for Zakia Jarrett, an African-American sixth-grade English teacher. Jarrett was briefly put on administrative leave June 5 for her remarks on police violence during a lesson on racism. . . . |

Jim McMahan (2020-07-08). Cops dismantle CHOP, Seattle anti-racist protests continue. workers.org After 3 1/2 weeks of anti-racist organizing at the Capital Hill Organizing Protest (CHOP), Seattle cops raided and closed the six-block encampment on July 1. They invaded with a massive force of police and the FBI. Over 40 people were arrested during the raid, but arrestees totaled at least 69 . . . |

yenisafak (2020-07-08). India arrests CEO, 11 others for industrial gas leak. yenisafak.com Police in southern India have arrested the South Korean head and 11 other employees of a chemical plant for a recent gas leak that claimed at least 15 lives, said a police official.The employees late on Tuesday were accused of causing the deaths due to negligence in the incident that occurred on May 7 at the LG Polymers Plant in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh state. Local police chief Rajeev Kumar Meena confirmed in a statement that CEO Sunkey Jeong, technical director D. S. Kim and addition director P. P. Chandra Mohan Rao were under police custody, along with nine others."Investigation disclosed that the inciden…

Peoples Dispatch (2020-07-08). Macri is further implicated in the case investigating an illegal spying network. peoplesdispatch.org Former Argentine president Mauricio Macri is eagerly watching the progress of a lawsuit in which 22 people were arrested on June 30, including former officials of his government, which links intelligence agents to political power…

Staff (2020-07-07). #WhiteCoatsForBlackLives Wants Racial Justice In The Medical Field. therealnews.com The healthcare industry has a long and well-documented history of racist treatment of Black and Indigenous people. Now, doctors join the movement for Black lives.

RT (2020-07-07). CNN's Don Lemon clashes with actor Terry Crews: Is BLM about police brutality, or problems in the black community? rt.com Actor Terry Crews faced an angry backlash after voicing concerns about the radicalization of the BLM movement. His clash with CNN's Don Lemon on why black-on-black crime is not part of the agenda split society even further. | Last Saturday, Crews, who is also a human rights activist, tweeted that he saw good people as allies regardless of the color of their skin, adding that he was "prepared to die on this hill." He previously expressed concern that the Black Lives Matter movement might slide into black supremacy. | Are all white people bad? | No. | Are all black people good? | No. | Knowing this reality- I st…

Leon Kunstenaar (2020-07-07). San Geronimo Valley Joins BLM. indybay.org Quiet valley wakes up to Black Lives Matter…

Yousef Munayyer (2020-07-07). A Summer of Reckoning—for American Racism and Israeli Aggression. thenation.com A Summer of Reckoning—for American Racism and Israeli Aggression…

Prabhat Patnaik (2020-07-07). India's abysmal healthcare system. mronline.org DD Kosambi uses a telling example to illustrate the crisis of Indian feudalism: at the third Battle of Panipat in 1761, the troops on oneside had not had enough to eat, while the troops on the other side just managed to assuage hunger by looting villages in the neighbourhood; neither side in short had arranged …

RT (2020-07-07). Seven TORTURE CHAMBERS & cells inside shipping containers discovered in Dutch police raid after crack of encrypted chat app. rt.com Six Dutch men have been arrested after a Franco-Dutch police operation to crack the EncroChat encrypted text app led authorities to seven shipping containers outfitted as grisly torture chambers and cells near the Belgian border. | Police arrested six men after snooping on their alleged plans to kidnap and take hostage fellow criminals, discussed in detail over EncroChat for months, Dutch authorities revealed on Tuesday. The kidnappers were apparently quite meticulous in their planning, with several "teams" preparing to snatch up their victims and one "observation team." The authorities conducted their raid on…

Andrew Korybko (2020-07-07). Rapper Kanye's Presidential Ambitions Might Doom the Democrats' White House Plans. globalresearch.ca Kanye's decision to officially run for President won't just siphon off African-American votes from the Democrats if he stays in the race long enough to get on some states' ballots as an Independent, but might even direct more of this …

Arun Gupta (2020-07-07). On Coronavirus and the Anti-Police-Brutality Uprising. zcomm.org An investigative reporter, Arun Gupta has been consistently ahead of the news. In September 2011, he founded The Occupy Wall Street Journal with the help of the Yes Men to help build support for the fledgling occupation in Zuccotti Park. During the 2016 presidential campaign, he warned that if elected Trump would carry out "the